Investor Relations
Investor Relations>Stock Information

Stock Information

(unit : KRW,  Number of Shares)
Name of Stock BMT Current Price 11,940
Net Change ▲ 230 Previous Closing Price 11,710
Trading Volume 35,735 Transaction Price 424,074,870
Market Price 11,710
High Price 12,100 Low Price 11,110
52-week High 17,040 52-week Low 11,110
Upper Limit 15,220 Lower Limit 8,200
PER 6.47
Listed Shares 9,125,174 Par Value 500

Closing Price by Date

(unit : KRW)

Trading Volume by Date

(unit : Number of Shares)

Prices by Date

(unit : KRW,  Number of Shares)
Date Closing Price Net Change Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
24/07/26 11,940

▲ 230

11,710 12,100 11,110 35,729 424,003,230
24/07/25 11,710

▼ 440

12,040 12,040 11,660 34,109 402,028,650
24/07/24 12,150

▼ 130

12,280 12,310 12,060 24,134 293,295,480
24/07/23 12,280

▼ 10

12,200 12,350 12,170 19,206 235,196,300
24/07/22 12,290

▼ 180

12,460 12,460 12,180 18,257 223,834,920
24/07/19 12,470

▼ 100

12,520 12,640 12,260 17,786 220,021,410
24/07/18 12,570

▲ 70

12,800 12,850 12,420 54,938 693,707,130
24/07/17 12,500

▲ 140

12,350 12,780 12,300 90,932 1,150,262,060
24/07/16 12,360

▲ 190

12,120 12,420 12,070 21,554 264,518,850
24/07/15 12,170

▲ 80

12,090 12,170 12,030 11,502 139,351,530